Hello everyone, I got accepted for the Ethereum Protocol Fellowship for the cohort 4. I will be posting weekly updates about my progress in the fellowship. This is the zero/pre week of the fellowship and I will be posting my weekly updates, regulary over here.
I plan to work in the fellowship full-time. The kick-off meeting is scheduled at Jul 13th, 2023, 15:00 UTC

Getting to know the EPF program

I explored the cohort-4 repo, and got to know about the program details and how everything will be going forward. I also got to know about the mentors and the other fellows who will be working along with me in the program. Looking forward to the kickc-off meeting for further details.

I also started to explore the listed project ideas I can work one. And after exploring a bit I spent my time looking more into the following ideas:

  • API for calculating ETH supply by Tim Beiko
  • ERC-4337 Tooling support
  • Verkle tree other stuff from the Nimbus team by Zahary
  • JSON-RPC improvements by Lightclient team

Well still I haven’t finalized what I will work on, but I am spending my time on researching on these specific topics and learning more about them and core protocol implementations.

Leanring & Research

I spent my time learning about the go-ethereum implementation. The life of transaction inside the go-ethereum implementation. I was constantly going the ethereum yellowpaper along side with it.

  1. Yellow Paper Walk-through
  2. Ethereum Yellow Paper ( the cheat-sheet really helped )
  3. Ethereum Yellow Paper Cheat Sheet
  4. The life of a transaction in go-ethereum
  5. Go Ethereum Book

Further I am very much interested in Verkle trees and zero-knowledge proofs. I did find some verkle tree projects, which I will be exploring further. And see if I can find something i the zero-knowledge proof space.

I also found the bloom filter quite interesting. Bloom filters in Ethereum are probabilistic data structures used for efficient membership checks in large datasets. They provide a compact representation of a set of elements, allowing for fast and space-efficient checks of whether an element is a member of the set. Bloom filters in Ethereum are commonly used to optimize certain operations, such as verifying account or contract existence, without needing to access the complete dataset.
I will be exploring this more, as I could not find much resources on this, so still working on it.

Also I am learning Nim programming language, as I might be working on the Nimbus implementation. I am learning it from the Nim in Action book. I am also exploring the Nim documentation and the Nim by Example book.
And for the rust refresher I am referenceing the book Rust Servers, Services, and Apps

Further Plans for this week

  • Have a deep dive into the different Verkle Tree implementions.
  • Learn Nim and explore the Nimbus implementation.
  • Explore the go-ethereum implementation further.
  • I have used rust before, still will take a kind of refreser project on it for a day.
  • Explore chalenges in calculating ETH supply.