The integration of the Constantine library into the nim-eth-verkle project has been making steady progress, but it’s important to note that there have been some recent developments that will extend the timeline for completion. Here is a detailed update on our recent activities:

Trie Structure Refactoring

One significant development that has impacted our integration timeline is related to the Trie structure. Danielle has been working on the Trie structure, but it was identified that it doesn’t adhere to the standard types used in the Constantine library. As a result, a major refactoring effort is underway to ensure that the Trie structure aligns with the Constantine types standard. This refactoring work is necessary to ensure a seamless and reliable integration.

Parallelization Strategies

To mitigate the delay caused by the Trie structure refactoring, we had a productive meeting with Danielle to discuss strategies for parallelizing the integration process. Parallelization can help speed up the development and integration work. During this meeting, it was decided that I will be taking responsibility for the “banderwagon” integration part and other non-IPA dependent components. This division of work allows us to proceed with these aspects independently.

Furthermore, once the IPA testing is completed and verified, we plan to merge that branch with our current integration branch to ensure that IPA-dependent components are seamlessly incorporated into the project.

Collaboration with Nimbus Team

In addition to the ongoing integration work, there were discussions regarding the future of the project and potential collaboration with the Nimbus team. Me and Agnish had a meeting with Zahary from the Nimbus team to explore the possibilities of joining forces and taking the project forward after the cohort. These discussions are still in the early stages, but they hold promise for future collaborations and enhancements to the project.

IPA Correctness Testing

We have been rigorously testing the correctness of the IPA (Incremental Polynomial Argument) implementation. I’m pleased to report that the majority of the IPA tests have been successfully completed. Currently, only three tests for multi-proof remain outstanding. The completion of these tests will be a significant milestone in ensuring the robustness of the IPA implementation, which is a critical component of the Constantine library.


While the integration timeline may be extended due to the Trie structure refactoring, our commitment to delivering a high-quality and reliable integration of the Constantine library into nim-eth-verkle remains unwavering. The focus on parallelization, collaboration with the Nimbus team, and thorough IPA testing are all steps taken to ensure the success of this integration. We will continue to provide regular updates as we progress toward our goals.