Work Experience

Status ( Nimbus Eth1 Team )
Eth Core Dev

  • Working on the Verkle Tree migration for the Nimbus Eth1 Client

Ethereum Foundation
Protocol Fellow

  • Worked in building Cryptographic Primitives for a Verkle Tree Library in Nim for the Nimbus client. Consisting of the generalized implementation of Twisted Edwards Curve, and further with it’s extention Bandersnatch & Banderwagon implementation.

  • Built the serialization protocol for Verkle Commitments in Nim, which is currently the fastest implementation among other Ethereum Client implementations

Blockchain Engineer

  • Created a privated blockchain with PoA consensus, and further working on zkRollups and zkEVMs for scalability and privacy in the blockchain

  • Created a zk-Identity system with incremental merkle tree for anonymous and secure identity management for Cipherem users

Blockchain Developer Intern

  • Worked on a novel sumcheck argument system for updatable & universal zk-SNARK with shortest know argument length, from the cryptography research team in C++,

  • Optimized existing DeFi smart-contracts and security-testing & integrated slither checks into the github-workflow

aQb Solutions
Blockchain Consultant

  • Conceptualized a blockchain based supply-chain management system, which leverages the power of Non-Fungible Tokens(NFTs) to manage product from the time of manufacturing till the consumer lifetime

  • Devised the smart-contracts for governing the system, & written 50+ unit tests for robust testing before deployment. Coded an algorithm for businesses to mint multiple NFTs in a single transaction (bulk minting)

Dwarf AI
Blockchain Developer Intern

  • Engineered a Dream11 based fantasy-gaming platform over the Polygon network, leveraging it’s security and zero-trust environment to the gaming arena & automatic winner declaration with token distribution

  • Designed algorithms to issue issue ERC-20 tokens when a user joins a game & optimized algorithms to reduce gas-fee by, created 100+ unit-tests for testing upgrades in the smart-contract


  • Patent 202231030658(Provisional)
    A multi-chain issuing system for Blockchain based Single-Owner Non-transferable Asset
    and the method thereof May 2022

  • SatesDAO Fellow’22
    fellowship program for 3-months, working on cutting edge DeFi, DID and NFT protocols Jul 2022

  • Winner Hederra’22 Hackathon IPFS Track (International Hackathon) June 2022

  • Finalist Warspeed A web3 hackathon by Lightspeed (1% out of 6000 applications) May 2022

  • Patent 201831002975 Automated Waste Segregator (AIML, IoT)
    Can automatically detect the type of waste with 85% accuracy and segregate Jan 2018

  • AIR 2 at WRO World Robotics Olympiad (Represented India at Finals) Nov 2016


EthUnwrapped2022 TypeScript, Node.js, Hardhat, Express.js, AWS, Ethers.js, Ethereum

  • EthUnwrapped is a web application that analizes the Ethereum blockchain data and provides a statistics about your usage of the blockchain.

  • Credibility score of the particular account, can be judged and also the data can be shared as your experience in ethereum

Certifact Solidity, Node.js, Hardhat, Express.js, GCP, Ethers.js, Ethereum, Polygon, IPFS, Filecoin

  • Developed an API for businesses to issue Blockchain based certificates to users on multiple chains in form of Single Owner Non Transferable Asset, without writing single line of web3 code

  • Reduced the employment cost of businesses by 10%, and there would be no need to create a Web3 team of 10+ developers. The complete certification system from issue to delivery packaged in 1 API call

Community Work

  • Judge @Hack4Bengal Invited as Judge for the largest hackathon of Eastern India, July 2023

  • Guest Speaker @SurTech College The dApp Architecture thinking, Jan 2023

  • Guest Speaker @Shardeum Cyrpto Tokens from Developers Perspective, Dec 2022

  • Google DSC Core Team Blockchain Lead, Aug 2022

  • Binance Dev Community Kolkata Co-Founded a Kolkata-based blockchain developer community with 200+ active members, Oct 2022


B.Tech in Information Technology
Heritage Institute of Technology
CGPA: 8.4
Coursework - Data Structures, Algorithms, DBMS, Operating System, Computer Architecture


Languages Solidity, C/C++, TypeScript, Go, Rust, Javascript, Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, Dart
Frameworks Django, Expressjs, Flutter, Hardhat, Mocha, Chai, Harbour, Tensorflow
Platforms Ethereum, Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, AWS, Filecoin, Starknet, Shardeum
Tools Git/GitHub, IPFS, Truffle, Jupyter, Remix, VSCode
Soft Skills Working with a team of 200+ developer, Leadership, Communication